Wrapped Up
STYLEKEEPERS jacket, Theory sweater (similar here and here), Carbon38 pants (similar here and here), Gucci boots, Mango belt bag (similar here), Oak + Fort earrings, Storets barrette
Photos by David Ou
Between back-to-back Bachelor episodes, a networking event, and a taco Tuesday night, this has already been a week — and it’s only Wednesday! (Tuesday night at the time of this writing). I’m not sure about you, but at this point, I can’t even remember what I did over the weekend, let alone what I ate for dinner yesterday. Luckily I plan to lay low for the next few nights with lots of quiet time. I’m actually not sure if I’ve mentioned it on the blog before, but I’m a classic introvert — after too much stimulation, all I crave is quiet alone time, preferably with a good book, and I start to get antsy and irritated when I can’t get it. And on that note, I’m off to read! Have a good week!