Denim Dreams
Absolutely thrilled to be partnering with Levi’s, one of my all-time favorite brands, to host a Levi’s Summer Friday at the Emeryville location this coming Friday. This week’s workshop theme? Denim destruction. If there’s one thing I like in my denim, it’s that lived-in effect: rips, distressing, raw hems (especially because I’m petite!), and exposed edges. Unfortunately, this gal’s not too good with scissors — leave me alone with a pair of shears and some jeans, and you can bet I’ll probably never wear the poor pants again.
Luckily, the folks over at the Levi’s Tailor Shop are scissor-wielding pros. Earlier this week, I met with Sabrina, who helped me customize my favorite denim pieces to perfection. From adding frayed edges to the overalls to cropping and releasing the hem on the jacket to distressing the collars and pockets, she made all my denim dreams come true — and she can for you, too!
Swing by on Friday for your own Tailor Shop experience and learn how to reinvent your pieces. There will be workshops throughout the evening, along with a DJ and plenty of drinks — and of course I’ll be there to help answer any styling questions. Hope to see you there!
Levi’s Emeryville
5641 Bay Street
Friday, August 11, 5-9pm
RSVP here
In collaboration with Levi’s